Corned Chicken and Mustard on Rye

By: S.Rosen's Test Kitchen

Not a fan of corned beef? Our chicken version brings a touch of the flavor to this St. Patrick’s classic, but with a more delicate flavor. It starts with a dry brine that will create a juicy texture. After a simple sear the crockpot does the rest of the work.

Ready In

Total Time: 2 1/2 hours
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time Time: 2 hours




2 Large Chicken breasts (1.25 lbs)

1 tsp Smoked paprika

1 tsp Paprika

½ tsp Garlic powder

¼ tsp Sugar

3 tsp Salt

2 Tbsp malt vinegar

3 Cups chicken broth

1 Bay leaf

4 Cloves of garlic, sliced


  1. The night before coat the chicken in the 2 tsp salt, all the paprika, smoked paprika, garlic powder and sugar. Let sit over night.
  2. The next day using a non stick pan, heat 2 Tbsp of oil on medium high heat and sear both sides of the chicken breast (about 4 minutes a side). Once seared place the chicken in the crockpot.
  3. Toss the garlic in the pan and stir until it become fragrant. Then add the chicken broth and bay leaf. Turn of the heat.
  4. Pour the stock over the chicken in the slow cooker. Cook on high for 2 hours. At that time check the temperature on the chicken to make sure it is over 165.
  5. Remove the chicken from the crockpot and place on a cutting board
  6. Bonus Round. Don’t waste the cooking stock on this. Put it in a pot and simmer for 15 minutes to . Serve along sandwiches for dunking. It’s worth it.